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"; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT" : "; max-age=" + vEnd * 60 * 60 * 24; break; case String: sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd; break; case Date: sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd.toUTCString(); break; } } document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue) + sExpires + (sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + (sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "") + (bSecure ? "; secure" : ""); return true; }; this.removeCookie = function (sKey, sPath, sDomain) { if (!this.hasCookie(sKey)) { return false; } document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(sKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" + (sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + (sPath ? 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break; } return rtn; }; this.getMetaValue = function (name) { var metaTag = $('meta'), rtn = '', $this = null; metaTag.each(function () { $this = $(this); if ($this.attr('property') !== undefined && $this.attr('property') === name) { rtn = $this.attr('content'); } else if ($this.attr('name') !== undefined && $this.attr('name') === name) { rtn = $this.attr('content'); } }); return rtn; }; this.isNoneADCheck = function () { var rtn = false; switch (utils.config('articleType')) { case ARTICLE_TYPE.spCover: case ARTICLE_TYPE.spWide: case ARTICLE_TYPE.spInterview: case ARTICLE_TYPE.spGallery: case ARTICLE_TYPE.spVideo: case ARTICLE_TYPE.special: rtn = true; break; } if (utils.getMetaValue("news_keywords").indexOf('e글중심') !== -1) { rtn = true; } return rtn; }; /** * @name : decodeEntities [function] * @desc : decode html entities. */ this.decodeEntities = function (s) { var r, t = document.createElement('textarea'); t.innerHTML = s; r = t.textContent || t.innerText; t = null; return r; }; /** * @name : strip [function] * @desc : return remove html tag from argument */ this.strip = function (s) { if ($.trim(s) === '') { return s; } var reg_tag = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig, r = ''; s = s.replace(reg_tag, ''); if (_utils.decodeEntities) { s = _utils.decodeEntities(s); } r = s.replace(reg_tag, ''); return r; }; var usedRandomNumbers = {}; this.getRandomNumber = function (min, max, name) { var rdnNumber = 0, randomIndex = 0, targetArray = [], excludeNumbers = usedRandomNumbers[name] || []; if (name && !usedRandomNumbers[name]) { usedRandomNumbers[name] = []; } for (var j = min; j <= max; j++) { targetArray.push(j); } var filterIndex = []; targetArray = targetArray.filter(function (v, i) { return excludeNumbers.indexOf(v) == -1; }); filterIndex.forEach(function (v, i, a) { targetArray.splice(i, 1); }); randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * targetArray.length); rdnNumber = targetArray.splice(randomIndex, 1); if (name) { usedRandomNumbers[name].push(rdnNumber[0]); } if (name && targetArray.length == 0) { usedRandomNumbers[name] = []; } return rdnNumber[0]; }; this.getRandomNumberArray = function (array) { for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); var randomValue = array[i]; array[i] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = randomValue; } return array; }; this.getElementFromEvent = function (e) { return e.target || e.srcElement; }; this.getKeyCode = function (e) { return e.keyCode || e.which; }; this.getIFrameBody = function (iframe) { var iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument; return iframeWindow.document.body; }; this.getHtmlFromUrl = function (url, success) { var $iframe = $(''); $iframe.appendTo(document.body); $iframe.on('load', iframeLoaded); $iframe.attr('src', url); function iframeLoaded() { var iframe = $iframe[0], iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument; success && success(iframeWindow.document.body); } }; this.stringify = function (obj) { var t = typeof (obj); if (t != "object" || obj === null) { // simple data type if (t == "string") { obj = '"' + obj + '"'; } return String(obj); } else { // recurse array or object var n, v, json = [], arr = (obj && obj.constructor == Array); 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"" : '"' + n + '":') + String(v)); } } return (arr ? "[" : "{") + String(json) + (arr ? "]" : "}"); } }; this.setPCID = function () { var self = this, today = new Date(), expiredDate = new Date(), val = self.getCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.pcId); expiredDate.setDate(today.getDate() + 30); if (!val) { val = getNewPCID(today.getTime()); } self.setCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.pcId, val, expiredDate, COOKIE_CONDITION.path, COOKIE_CONDITION.domain); function getNewPCID(prefix) { var arrVal = [], rtn = ''; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { arrVal.push("" + Math.random()); } for (i = 0; i < arrVal.length; i++) { rtn += arrVal[i].charAt(2); } return prefix + rtn; } }; this.getPCID = function () { var rtn = 0; try { rtn = utils.getCookie('PCID'); } catch (e) { } return rtn; } this.getLastPCID = function () { var i = utils.getPCID(); var last = i.substring(i.length - 1, i.length); return last; } this.isLiveServer = function () { return location.host.indexOf('local') == -1 && location.host.indexOf('dev') == -1; }; this.getJsonp = function (obj) { utils.log('## utils.getJsonp'); utils.log('url : ' + obj.url); $.ajax({ url: obj.url, contentType: 'text/plain', data: obj.data || {}, dataType: 'jsonp' //cache: false }).done(function (res) { //utils.log('##-------------------- jsonp done'); obj.success && obj.success(res); }).fail(function (e) { //utils.log('##-------------------- jsonp fail'); }); }; this.ajaxGet = function (obj) { utils.log('## utils.ajaxGet'); utils.log('## url : ' + obj.url); utils.log(obj.data); var ajaxOptions = { url: obj.url, data: obj.data || {}, type: 'GET', dataType: obj.dataType || "json", //crossDomain: true, success: function (res) { utils.log('## ajaxGet : success : ' + obj.url); obj.success && obj.success(res); }, error: function (e) { utils.log('## ajaxGet : error : ' + obj.url); //utils.log(e); obj.error && obj.error(); //utils.log(e); } }; if (obj.cache) { ajaxOptions.cache = true; } // *********************************************** // 수정이 필요한 경우 공유바람. $.ajax(ajaxOptions); }; this.ajaxPost = function (obj) { if (!obj.url) { this.error('not defined url'); } utils.log('## utils.ajaxPost'); utils.log('## obj.url : ' + obj.url); var data = (obj.data !== undefined ? obj.data : {}); data.deviceType = utils.config('deviceType'); //utils.log(data); $.ajax({ url: obj.url, type: 'POST', headers: {}, async: true, contentType: 'text/plain', dataType: 'json', crossDomain: true, cache: false, data: data, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, beforeSend: function (xhr, settings) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", 'Application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); }, success: function (res) { utils.log('## ajaxPost : success : ' + obj.url); obj.success && obj.success(res); }, error: function (e) { utils.log('## ajaxPost : error : ' + obj.url); utils.log(e.responseText); return; } }); }; this.getImageSize = function (src) { var img = new Image(); img.src = src; return { width: img.width, height: img.height }; }; this.imageErrorHandler = function (img) { var $target = $(img), data = $target.data(), src = $target.attr('src'); if (!$target.data('edit_src') && src !== undefined && src.indexOf('pds.joins.com') > -1) { //$target.attr('src', src.replace('pds.joins.com/', 'photo.jtbc.joins.com/')); $target.attr('src', this.getJtbcImageFullPath(src.replace('pds.joins.com/', 'photo.jtbc.joins.com/'))); } else { $target.data('edit_src', true); $target.setDefaultImage(); } }; this.mvcAjaxCallbackQueue = new function () { var queue = { }; this.set = function (name, callback) { queue[name] = callback; }; this.callback = function ($btn) { var name = $btn.data('ajaxUpdate'); if (typeof queue[name] == 'function') { queue[name]($btn); } }; }; this.getLocalStorage = function (name) { return localStorage.getItem(name); }; this.setLocalStorage = function (k, v) { var str = ''; if (Array.isArray(v)) { for (var i = 0, len = v.length; i < len; i++) { if (str === '') { str = v[i]; } else { str = str + ',' + v[i]; } } setItem(k, str); } setItem(k, v); function setItem(key, value) { if (localStorage.key(key)) { localStorage.removeItem(key); } localStorage.setItem(key, value); } }; function getInternetExplorerVersion() { var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); } return rv; } this.browser = { msie: getInternetExplorerVersion() == -1 ? false : true, version: getInternetExplorerVersion() }; this.isLowBrowser = function (version) { // version 이하의 IE 브라우저 체크 version = version || 9; return utils.browser && utils.browser.msie == true && parseInt(utils.browser.version, 10) <= version; }; this.loading = function (close) { if (close) { $('#loading').hide(); } else { $('#loading').show(); } }; this.error = function (str, isLog) { if (isLog) { _utils.log('ERROR : ' + str); } else { $.error(str); } //throw new Error(str); }; this.loadStyle = function (href, callback) { $('head').append(''); callback && callback(); }; this.setStartPage = function () { if (document.all) { document.body.style.behavior = 'url(#default#homepage)'; document.body.setHomePage(utils.config('homePath')); } else if (window.sidebar) { if (window.netscape) { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); } catch (e) { alert("this action was aviod by your browser,if you want to enable,please enter about:config in your address line,and change the value of signed.applets.codebase_principal_support to true"); } } var prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch); prefs.setCharPref('browser.startup.homepage', 'url you site'); } }; //For Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari: //window.innerHeight - the inner height of the browser window //window.innerWidth - the inner width of the browser window //For Internet Explorer 8, 7, 6, 5: //document.documentElement.clientHeight //document.documentElement.clientWidth //or //document.body.clientHeight //document.body.clientWidth this.windowSize = function () { return { width: window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth, height: window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight }; }; this.getIsCartoon = function () { var rtn = false, $isCartoon = $('#is_cartoon'); if ($isCartoon.length && $isCartoon.val() == 'True') { rtn = true; } return rtn; }; this.getPdsFullPath = function (imageUrl) { imageUrl = imageUrl || ''; if (imageUrl == '.tn_250.jpg' || imageUrl == '.tn_120.jpg') { return ''; } imageUrl = imageUrl.replace('.tn_250.jpg', '').replace('.tn_120.jpg', ''); if (imageUrl.indexOf('/component') == 0) { imageUrl = '/news' + imageUrl } if (imageUrl.length > 0 && imageUrl.indexOf('http') < 0) { imageUrl = utils.config('pdsPath') + ((imageUrl[0] != '/') ? 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'/' : '') + imageUrl; } if (imageUrl.length > 0) { imageUrl = imageUrl + imageSize; } return imageUrl; }; window.URL_NAMES = { search: 'search', article: 'article', issue: 'issue', reporter: 'reporter', section: 'section', people: 'people', jtbc: 'jtbc' }; this.getUrlFormat = function (key, value) { // search는 제거해야 할 듯 var applicationType = utils.config('applicationType'), webRoot = applicationType == APPLICATION_TYPE.pc ? utils.config('webPcPath') : utils.config('webMobilePath'), searchRoot = utils.config('searchWebPath'), URL_FORMAT = { search: searchRoot + '?keyword={VALUE}', article: webRoot + '/article/{VALUE}', issue: webRoot + '/issue/{VALUE}', reporter: webRoot + '/reporter/{VALUE}', section: webRoot + '/{VALUE}', people: 'http://people.joins.com/Search/?pgi=1&ps=&q={VALUE}', jtbc: '/jtbc' }; var urlFormat = URL_FORMAT[key] || ''; return value ? urlFormat.replace('{VALUE}', encodeURIComponent(value)) : ''; }; this.setIgnoreUserAgent = function () { utils.setCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.ignoreUserAgent, 'Y', '', COOKIE_CONDITION.path, COOKIE_CONDITION.domain); }; this.removeIgnoreUserAgent = function () { utils.removeCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.ignoreUserAgent, COOKIE_CONDITION.path, COOKIE_CONDITION.domain); }; // cloc 반환 함수 this.getClocUrl = function (url, cloc) { if (typeof url != "undefined" && url.indexOf('cloc') < 0) { if (url.indexOf("java" + "script") == -1) { var split = url.split('#'), hash = ''; if (split[1] != null) { hash = '#' + split[1]; } cloc = resetPageName(cloc); if (url == '#') { url = '?cloc=' + cloc; } else if (url.indexOf('?') > -1 || url.indexOf('&') > -1) { url = url.replace(hash, '') + '&cloc=' + cloc + hash; } else { url = url.replace(hash, '') + '?cloc=' + cloc + hash; } } } function resetPageName(cloc) { var filterSectionName = ['unique']; filterSectionName.forEach(function (v) { if (cloc.indexOf(v)) { cloc.replace(v, 'section'); } }); return cloc; } return url; }; this.peopleSearch = function (keyword) { window.open(utils.getUrlFormat(URL_NAMES.people, keyword)); }; this.getIrPath = function (url, w, h, addStr, b) { addStr = addStr || ''; var irParams = { u: url + addStr, w: w || (h || 240), h: h || (w || 140), t: 'c', bg: b || (b || 'ffffff') }, irPath = ''; if (url) { irPath = utils.config('irPath') + '?' + $.param(irParams); } return irPath; }; this.getBlurImage = function (imageUrl) { //http://dev.ir.joins.com/?u=http://dev.pds.joins.com/news/component/article_template/html_content/201508/maxresdefault.jpg&w=100&h=200&t=c&b= if (imageUrl) { imageUrl = utils.config('irPath') + '/?u=' + imageUrl + '&w=100&h=200&t=c&b=3'; } return imageUrl; }; var totalId = ''; this.getTotalId = function () { if (totalId == '') { totalId = $('#total_id').val() || ''; } return totalId; }; var isLoginContents = ''; this.getIsLoginContents = function () { if (isLoginContents == '') { isLoginContents = $('#is_login_contents').val() !== undefined && $('#is_login_contents').val().toLowerCase() == 'true' ? true : false; } return isLoginContents; }; var reporterId = ''; this.getReporterId = function () { if (reporterId == '') { reporterId = $('#reporterId').val() || ''; } return reporterId; }; var servCode = ''; this.getServCode = function () { if (servCode == '') { servCode = $('#servcode').val() || ''; } return servCode; }; var articleTitle = ''; this.getArticleTitle = function () { if (articleTitle == '') { articleTitle = $('#article_title').text() || ''; } return articleTitle; }; var articleSourceCode = ''; this.getArticleSourceCode = function () { if (articleSourceCode == '') { articleSourceCode = $('#sourceCode').val() || ''; } return articleSourceCode; }; var issueId = ''; this.getIssueId = function () { if (issueId == '') { issueId = $('#issue_id').val() || ''; } return issueId; }; this.getDisplayCount = function (num) { var displayCount = num, suffix = 'k', isSuffix = false; if (typeof num != 'number') { num = parseInt(num, 10); } if (num > 1000) { isSuffix = true; num = parseInt(num / 100, 10); num = num / 10; } displayCount = num; if (isSuffix) { displayCount = displayCount + 'k'; } return displayCount; }; /** * */ this.menu = new function () { var _self = this, menus = null, searchObj = [], callbackQueue = []; this.loaded = false; this.getMenus = function () { return menus; }; this.getPageMenuKey = function () { return $('#menu_key').val() || 'Society'; }; this.getSearchObj = function () { return searchObj; }; this.getMenusIsShowMegaMenu = function () { return menus; }; this.getMenuFromKey = function (key, callback) { //utils.log('#key : ' + key); var arrKey = key.split(','), arrKeyLen = arrKey.length, rtnObj = null; searchObj.forEach(function (v) { if (arrKeyLen == 1) { if (arrKey[0].toLowerCase() == v.Key.toLowerCase()) { rtnObj = v; return false; } } else if (arrKeyLen > 1) { if (v.Parent) { if (arrKey[arrKeyLen - 1].toLowerCase() == v.Key.toLowerCase() && arrKey[arrKeyLen - 2].toLowerCase() == v.Parent.Key.toLowerCase()) { rtnObj = v; return false; } } } }); return rtnObj; }; this.callback = function (func) { if (_self.loaded) { func(); } else { callbackQueue.push(func); } }; function excuteCallback() { callbackQueue.forEach(function (v) { if (typeof v == 'function') { v(_self); } }); var pageType = utils.config('pageType'); }; this.init = function (callback) { var apiPath = utils.config('applicationType') == APPLICATION_TYPE.mobile ? utils.config('webMobilePath') : utils.config('webPcPath'), url = apiPath + '/api/menu/'; if (window.menu) { ajaxCallback(window.menu); } else { utils.getJsonp({ url: url, success: ajaxCallback }); } function ajaxCallback(res) { _self.loaded = true; menus = res.Menu; //utils.log('## get Menu'); //utils.log(res); setSearchObj(menus); callback && callback(_self); excuteCallback(); } function setSearchObj(obj, parentObj) { if ($.type(obj) == 'object') { add(obj, parentObj); } else if ($.type(obj) == 'array') { obj.forEach(function (v) { add(v, parentObj); }); } function add(obj, parentObj) { if (parentObj && obj.Key) { obj.Parent = parentObj; } if (obj.Key) { searchObj.push(obj); } if (obj.Children && obj.Children.length) { setSearchObj(obj.Children, obj); } } } }; }; this.serverDate = new function () { var _serverDate = this, sDate = null, term = 0, dateDomSelector = '#_daytimer', dateFile = _utils.config('staticRootPath') + '/common/data/nowdaytime/daytimer.js'; //dateFile = 'http://static.joins.com/common/data/nowdaytime/daytimer.js'; this.loaded = false; this.get = function (callback) { return sDate; }; this.isWeekend = function () { var day = sDate.getDay(); return day == 0 || day == 5 || day == 6 ? true : false; }; //중앙 선데이용 this.isSunday = function () { return false; //var day = sDate.getDay(); //return (day == 0 || day == 6) ? true : false; //선데이 메뉴 노출안함 }; // edate + 1일로, stime은 -1분, etime은 +1분 this.betweenDate = function (sDate, eDate, sTime, eTime) { var rtnValue = false; var date = parseInt(__Ndaytime.ymdhm.toString().substr(2), 10); var nDD = date.toString().substr(0, 6) var nHM = date.toString().substr(6, 10) if (nDD >= sDate && eDate > nDD && (nHM >= sTime && eTime > nHM)) { rtnValue = true; } return rtnValue; }; // stime은 -1분, etime은 +1분 this.betweenTime = function (sTime, eTime) { var rtnValue = false; var date = parseInt(__Ndaytime.ymdhm.toString().substr(2), 10); var nDD = date.toString().substr(0, 6) var nHM = date.toString().substr(6, 10) if (nHM >= sTime && eTime > nHM) { rtnValue = true; } return rtnValue; }; (function init() { //_utils.log('## serverDate init'); //_utils.log(window.__Ndaytime); if (window.__Ndaytime) { setDate(); } else { //_utils.log(dateFile); //dateFile = $(dateDomSelector).attr('src'); if (!dateFile) { return; } $.getScript(dateFile, function () { if (window.__Ndaytime) { setDate(); } }); } function setDate() { _serverDate.loaded = true; try { sDate = new Date(__Ndaytime.ba.year, __Ndaytime.ba.month - 1, __Ndaytime.ba.day, __Ndaytime.ba.hour24, __Ndaytime.ba.minute, __Ndaytime.ba.second); } catch (e) { utils.log(e); sDate = new Date(); }; } })(); }; this.newsRoom = new function () { var _isOnAir = false; var _isOnAirSet = false; //_utils.log('### utils.newsRoom'); var serverDate = _utils.serverDate.get(); //_utils.log('serverDate'); //_utils.log(serverDate); var programId = 'PR10000403'; var broadYYYYMMDD = ''; var checkTimer = 60 * 1000; var timeout = null; var onAirInfo = { sDate: null, eDate: null }; //var checkTimer = 5000; //var nowDate function checkOnAir(initial) { //utils.log('## checkOnAir'); if (!serverDate) { serverDate = _utils.serverDate.get(); } initial = initial || false; //_utils.log('## _isOnAir : ' + _isOnAir); //_utils.log('## _isOnAirSet : ' +_isOnAirSet); // _utils.log(serverDate); // _utils.log(onAirInfo.sDate); //utils.log(serverDate); //utils.log(serverDate >= onAirInfo.sDate) //utils.log(serverDate >= onAirInfo.sDate && serverDate < onAirInfo.eDate); if (serverDate >= onAirInfo.sDate && serverDate < onAirInfo.eDate) { //_utils.log('initial : ' + initial); if (initial || !_isOnAirSet) { //utils.log('function : ' + _utils.newsRoom.onAir); _utils.newsRoom.onAir && _utils.newsRoom.onAir(); } _isOnAir = true; } else { if (initial || _isOnAirSet) { _utils.newsRoom.offAir && _utils.newsRoom.offAir(); } _isOnAir = false; } if (timeout != null) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { var addSeconds = serverDate.getSeconds() + checkTimer / 1000; serverDate = new Date(serverDate.setSeconds(addSeconds)); checkOnAir(); }, checkTimer); } return { isOnAirSet: function (onOff) { _isOnAirSet = onOff; }, init: function () { var nowDate = new Date().format('yyyyMMdd'); broadYYYYMMDD = window.__Ndaytime ? __Ndaytime.ymdhm.toString().substr(0, 8) : nowDate; var jtbcScheduleFile = '//fs.jtbc.joins.com/common/data/schedule/schedule_day3.js'; if (!jtbcScheduleFile) return; $.getScript(jtbcScheduleFile, function () { var obj = null; var minutes = 0; try { obj = window['mSchedule' + broadYYYYMMDD + 'Set']; var yyyy = broadYYYYMMDD.substr(0, 4); var MM = parseInt(broadYYYYMMDD.substr(4, 2) || 0, 10) - 1; var dd = broadYYYYMMDD.substr(6, 2); $.each(obj.DATA, function (n, v) { if (v.PROG_ID == programId) { onAirInfo = v; onAirInfo.sDate = new Date(yyyy, MM, dd, v.BROAD_STIME, v.BROAD_SSEC, 0); onAirInfo.eDate = new Date(yyyy, MM, dd, v.BROAD_ETIME, v.BROAD_ESEC, 0); } }); } catch (e) { utils.log(e); }; checkOnAir(true); }); }, timerReset: checkOnAir }; }; this.opinionCast = new function () { // 오피니언 방송 OnAir 확인. var onAirInfo = { title: '', content: '', progid: '', sDate: null, eDate: null, image: '' }, serverDate = _utils.serverDate.get(), checkTimer = 60 * 1000; var timeout = null; var _isOnAir = false; var _isOnAirSet = false; //checkTimer = 5000; function checkOnAir(initial) { if (!serverDate) { serverDate = _utils.serverDate.get(); } //setOnAir(); //_utils.log('## opinionCast _isOnAir : ' + _isOnAir); //_utils.log('## opinionCast _isOnAirSet : ' +_isOnAirSet); //_utils.log(serverDate); //_utils.log(onAirInfo.sDate); //utils.log('## opinionCast checkOnAir : ' +initial); //utils.log(serverDate) if (serverDate >= onAirInfo.sDate && serverDate < onAirInfo.eDate) { if (initial || !_isOnAirSet) { utils.opinionCast.onAir && utils.opinionCast.onAir(onAirInfo); setTimeout(function () { utils.opinionCast.onAirSlide && utils.opinionCast.onAirSlide(onAirInfo); }, 400); } _isOnAir = true; } else { if (initial || _isOnAirSet) { utils.opinionCast.offAir && utils.opinionCast.offAir(onAirInfo); setTimeout(function () { utils.opinionCast.offAirSlide && utils.opinionCast.offAirSlide(onAirInfo); }, 400); } _isOnAir = false; } if (timeout != null) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { var addSeconds = serverDate.getSeconds() + checkTimer / 1000; serverDate = new Date(serverDate.setSeconds(addSeconds)); checkOnAir(); }, checkTimer); } return { isOnAirSet: function (onOff) { _isOnAirSet = onOff; }, init: function () { var opinionCastSchedule = utils.config('staticPath') + '/scripts/data/opinioncast/js/index_onair_schedule.js'; //_utils.log('## opinionCast init'); if (!opinionCastSchedule) return; $.getScript(opinionCastSchedule, function () { try { //_utils.log(index_onair_schedule); $.each(index_onair_schedule, function (n, v) { onAirInfo[n] = v[0].value; }); onAirInfo.yyyy = onAirInfo.date.substr(0, 4); onAirInfo.MM = onAirInfo.date.substr(4, 2); onAirInfo.dd = onAirInfo.date.substr(6, 2); onAirInfo.sDate = new Date(onAirInfo.yyyy, onAirInfo.MM - 1, onAirInfo.dd, onAirInfo.stime.substr(0, 2), onAirInfo.stime.substr(2, 2), 0); onAirInfo.eDate = new Date(onAirInfo.yyyy, onAirInfo.MM - 1, onAirInfo.dd, onAirInfo.etime.substr(0, 2), onAirInfo.etime.substr(2, 2), 0); } catch (e) { utils.log(e); }; _utils.log(onAirInfo); //setOnAir(); // onair test checkOnAir(true); }); }, timerReset: checkOnAir }; }; this.convertList = function (origin) { var list = []; $.each(origin, function (n, v) { v.forEach(function (_v, _i) { if (!list[_i]) { list[_i] = {}; } list[_i][n] = _v.value; }); }); return list; }; this.createIFrame = function (opts) { if (opts.id && $('#' + opts.id).length == 0) { $('').appendTo(document.body); } else if (opts.id && $('#' + opts.id).length > 0) { $('#' + opts.id).remove(); $('').appendTo(document.body); } }; function getParamString(params) { var strParams = '';//'?'; $.each(params, function (i, v) { if (v != '') { if (strParams.length > 0) { strParams += "&" } strParams += i + '=' + v; } }); return '?' + strParams; } this.shareHandler = new function () { var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform); var config = { isMobile: _utils.isMobile(), appkey: '62547e7c5e294f7836425fb3a755e4a1', kakaotalk: { id: 'kakao-link', width: '300', height: '200', text: '' }, title: _utils.getMetaValue('og:title'), image: _utils.getMetaValue('og:image'), url: _utils.getMetaValue('og:url') }, services = { facebook: function facebook(url) { //utils.log('url : ' +url); //utils.log('config.url : ' +config.url); url = url || config.url; //아티클 페이스북 공유시 url을 mnews로 준다. (news.joins.com 도메인이 차단됨) if (utils.config('pageType') == PAGE_TYPE.article) { url = url.replace(utils.config('webPcPath'), utils.config('webMobilePath')); } var params = { u: setDomain(url) }, path = 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php', openUrl = path + getParamString(params); window.open(openUrl, 'share_facebook', 'directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=420,height=370'); }, twitter: function twitter(url, title) { url = url || config.url; title = title || utils.getMetaValue('twitter:title'); var params = { text: title, url: setDomain(url) }, path = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet', openUrl = path + '?' + $.param(params); window.open(openUrl, 'share_twitter', 'directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=640, height=440'); }, googleplus: function googleplus(url) { url = url || config.url; var params = { url: setDomain(url), hl: 'ko' }, path = 'https://plus.google.com/share', openUrl = path + '?' + $.param(params); window.open(openUrl, 'share_google', 'directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500,height=370'); }, pinterest: function pinterest(url, title) { url = url || config.url; title = title || config.title; var params = { url: setDomain(url), media: config.image, description: title }, path = 'https://www.pinterest.com/pin/create/button/', openUrl = path + '?' + $.param(params); window.open(openUrl, 'share_pinterest', 'directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500,height=370'); }, kakaostory: function kakaostory(url, title) { url = url || config.url; title = title || config.title; Kakao.Story.share({ url: setDomain(url), //url: 'http://news.joins.com/article/554/18532554.html?ctg=1000&cloc=joongang|home|top', //test text: title }); }, kakaotalk: function kakaotalk(url) { url = url || config.url; //Kakao.Link && Kakao.Link.sendDefault({ // objectType: "feed", // content: { // title: title, // description: "", // imageUrl: image || utils.config('imagePath') + '/mw/kakao_share.png', // link: { // mobileWebUrl: setDomain(url), // webUrl: setDomain(url) // } // }, // fail: function () { // alert('지원하지 않는 플랫폼입니다.'); // } //}); Kakao.Link.sendScrap({ requestUrl: setDomain(url), fail: function () { alert('지원하지 않는 플랫폼입니다.'); } }); }, pocket: function pocket(url) { url = url || config.url; var path = { mobile: utils.config('webMobilePath'), web: utils.config('webPcPath') }, openUrl = (config.isMobile === true ? path.mobile : path.web) + '/sns/share?snstype=pocket&url=' + encodeURIComponent(setDomain(url)); window.open(openUrl, 'share_pocket', 'directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=500,height=370'); }, email: function () { utils.shareArticleForMail && utils.shareArticleForMail(); }, naverband: function naverband(url, title) { var _url = encodeURIComponent(url || config.url); var _title = encodeURIComponent(title || config.title); var _br = encodeURIComponent('\r\n'); var oBand = { param: 'create/post?text=' + _title + _br + _url, a_store: 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id542613198?mt=8', g_store: 'market://details?id=com.nhn.android.band', a_proto: 'bandapp://', g_proto: 'scheme=bandapp;package=com.nhn.android.band' }; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) { setTimeout(function () { location.href = 'intent://' + oBand.param + '#Intent;' + oBand.g_proto + ';end' }, 100); } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/i)) { setTimeout(function () { location.href = oBand.a_store; }, 200); setTimeout(function () { location.href = oBand.a_proto + oBand.param }, 100); } else { alert('지원하지 않는 플랫폼입니다.'); } } }; (function init() { if (window.Kakao && window.Kakao.Auth === undefined) { Kakao.init(config.appkey); } })(); function setDomain(path) { var domainPath = utils.isMobile() ? utils.config('webMobilePath') : utils.config('webPcPath'); // 'http://' + location.host; if (path && path.indexOf('http') != 0) { path = domainPath + path; } return path; } function shortenUrl(url, callback) { $.getJSON(utils.config('apiPath') + '/shortenurl', { url: encodeURIComponent(url) }).done(function (res) { callback && callback(res); }); } function snsCounting(target, service, id) { // TODO : 공유 Count Api 호출 작성. // @params : totalId, service //http://local.apis.joins.com/news/17336581/share (DeviceType=Mobile, SharedType={Facebook,Twitter,Instagram,GooglePlus,KakaoTalk,KakaoStory,Pinterest,Email) //http://local.apis.joins.com/issue/123423/share (DeviceType=Mobile) var API_INFO = { news: '/article/{id}/share', issue: '/issue/{id}/share', digitalspecial: '/digitalspecial/{id}/share' }, api = API_INFO[target]; if (!api) { utils.error('not defined ' + target + ' > API_INFO', true); return; } api = api.replace('{id}', id); utils.ajaxPost({ url: utils.config('apiPath') + api, data: { SharedType: service }, success: function (res) { if (res && res.IsSuccess == true && typeof utils.shareCountCallback == 'function') { utils.shareCountCallback && utils.shareCountCallback(target); } } }); } function clickHandler() { config.title = utils.getMetaValue('og:title'); config.image = utils.getMetaValue('og:image'); config.url = utils.getMetaValue('og:url'); var $btn = $(this), id = $('#total_id').val() || $btn.data('id') || '', target = $btn.data('target'), // news, issue, keyword service = $btn.data('service'), // twitter, facebook.... url = $btn.data('url'), title = $btn.data('title'), func = services[service]; if (id) { snsCounting(target, service, id); } if (typeof func == 'function') { func(url, title); } return false; }; this.bind = function ($t) { //utils.log('## utils.shareHandler.bind : ' + $t.data('service')); if (!$t || !$t.length || !$t.data('service')) { return; } $t.on('click', clickHandler); //_utils.log('#### pcPath' + _utils.config('webPcPath')); }; this.unbind = function ($t) { //utils.log('## utils.shareHandler.unbind : ' + $t.data('service')); if (!$t || !$t.length || !$t.data('service')) { return; } $t.off('click', clickHandler); }; this.todoSearch = function () { alert('검색엔진 작업 후, 처리'); return false; }; this.todoDefinedNeed = function () { alert('기능 정의 필요.'); return false; }; }; this.favoriteMenus = new function () { var codeMap = { // A : 고정 그룹, B : 뉴스그룹, C : 섹션그룹, D : 서비스그룹 //플리킹 메뉴제거 'A2': 'realtimenews', 'A1': 'visualnews', 'B1': 'opinion', 'B2': 'politics', 'B3': 'money', 'B4': 'society', 'B5': 'world', 'B6': 'culture', 'B7': 'sports', 'B8': 'star', 'B9': 'pic', 'C1': 'jplus', 'C2': 'travel', 'C3': 'gangnam', 'C4': 'nk', 'C5': 'retirement', 'C6': 'cartoon', 'C7': 'sectionnews', 'D1': 'trend' }, defaultMenuCode = 'A1,D1,C7,B9,C1'; //set menuKeys this.set = function (menuKeys) { var cookieDatas = []; $.each(menuKeys, function (i, v) { $.each(codeMap, function (key, value) { if (v === value) { cookieDatas.push(key); } }); }); utils.setCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.favoritemenus, cookieDatas.toString(), 30, COOKIE_CONDITION.path, COOKIE_CONDITION.domain); }; //get > arg : favoriteCodeName, return menukey. this.get = function (name) { var cookieDatas = utils.getCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.favoritemenus), rtnDatas = []; if (cookieDatas === null) { cookieDatas = defaultMenuCode; } rtnDatas = cookieDatas.split(',').filter(function (v) { return v == name }); return rtnDatas[0]; }; //get > return menukeys this.getList = function () { var fixedMenu = this.getFixedList(); var cookieDatas = utils.getCookie(COOKIE_NAMES.favoritemenus), rtnDatas = []; if (cookieDatas === null) { cookieDatas = defaultMenuCode; } $.each(cookieDatas.split(','), function (key, value) { rtnDatas.push(codeMap[value]); }); for (var i2 = 0; i2 < fixedMenu.length; i2++) { var bExistMenu = false; for (var i = 0, len = rtnDatas.length; i < len; i++) { if (fixedMenu[i2].toString() == rtnDatas[i].toString()) { bExistMenu = true; break; } } if (!bExistMenu) { rtnDatas.unshift(fixedMenu[i2].toString()); } } return rtnDatas; }; //get > return menukeys.toString() this.getListToString = function () { var rtnDatas = this.getList(); return rtnDatas.toString(); }; //get > return fixed menukeys this.getFixedList = function () { var rtnDatas = []; $.each(codeMap, function (key, value) { if (key.substr(0, 1) == "A") { rtnDatas.push(value); } }); return rtnDatas; }; }; this.redirectUrl = function () { var webPcPath = utils.config('webPcPath'), webMobilePath = utils.config('webMobilePath'), applicationType = utils.config('applicationType'), redirectApplication = utils.config('applicationType') === APPLICATION_TYPE.pc ? APPLICATION_TYPE.mobile : APPLICATION_TYPE.pc, //application type 이 반대로 변경 pc -> mobile menuKey = utils.menu.getPageMenuKey().toLowerCase(), host = location.host, path = location.pathname, search = location.search, externalList = ['survey', 'realestate', 'jplus', 'gangnam'], urlMapperList = ["/politics/", "/money/", "/society/", "/world/", "/culture/", "/opinion/", "/sports/", "/star/", "/travel/", "/retirement/", "/trend/"], exceptionList = [{ path: '/nk/photo/list', redirectPath: '/nk' }, { path: '/stock', redirectPath: '/money' }, { path: '/find/list', redirectPath: '/find/list' }, { path: '/retirement/news/list', redirectPath: '/retirement' }, { path: '/time7/subscribe', redirectPath: '/time7' }, { path: '/opinion/editorialcolumn/list', redirectPath: '/opinion/editorialcolumn/list' }, { path: '/opinion/opinioncast', redirectPath: '/opinion/opinioncast' }, { path: '/series', redirectPath: '/' }, { path: '/ranking', redirectPath: '/' }], webPath = applicationType === APPLICATION_TYPE.pc ? webMobilePath : webPcPath, url = ''; //search function getSearchRedirectObject() { var mapper = { mobile: webMobilePath + '/find' + search, pc: utils.config('searchWebPath') + search } return mapper; } //외부 도메인 페이지 function getExternalRedirectObject(type) { var mapper = { 'suvery': { mobile: webMobilePath + '/politics', pc: webPcPath + '/politics' }, 'realestate': { mobile: webMobilePath + '/money', pc: webPcPath + '/money' }, 'jplus': { mobile: 'http://m.jplus.joins.com' + path + search, pc: 'http://jplus.joins.com' + path + search }, 'gangnam': { mobile: 'http://m.gangnam.joins.com', pc: 'http://gangnam.joins.com' } }; return mapper[type]; } //host 비교 if (url === '') { externalList.forEach(function (v, i, a) { if (host.indexOf(v) !== -1) { var externalObject = getExternalRedirectObject(v); url = externalObject[redirectApplication]; } }); } if (url === '') { //search 비교 -> menukey if (menuKey.indexOf('find') !== -1) { var searchObject = getSearchRedirectObject(); url = searchObject[redirectApplication]; } } if (url === '') { //exception exceptionList.forEach(function (v, i, a) { if (path.indexOf(v.path) === 0) { url = webPath + v.redirectPath; if (v.path === '/find/list') { var queryString = search.replace('?', '').split('&'), param = ''; for (var i = 0, len = queryString.length; i < len ; i++) { var query = queryString[i].toLowerCase(); if (query.indexOf('page') !== 0 && query.indexOf('cloc') !== 0) { param = param === '' ? query : param + '&' + query; } } url = url + '?' + param; } else { url = url + search; } } }); } if (url === '') { //defaults type urlMapperList.forEach(function (v, i, a) { if (path.indexOf(v) === 0) { url = webPath + v; } }); } //모두 통과한 경우엔 도메인만 바꿔준다. if (url === '') { url = webPath + path; } location.href = url; } this.getOvpOneTimeUrl = function (obj) { this.ajaxGet({ url: utils.config("apiPath") + '/video/getOvpUrl/?mediaKey=' + obj.ovpUrl + '&ro=' + obj.ro, success: function (res) { obj.success && obj.success(res || ''); }, error: function (e) { obj.success && obj.success(''); } }); } this.setSearchKeywordLog = function (keyword) { var data = { Word: keyword }; utils.ajaxPost({ url: utils.config("apiPath") + '/Find/SetSearchKeywordLog', data: { Word: keyword } }); }; //하단 고정광고와 추천 영역의 위치를 변경한다. //아이폰 업데이트 이슈로 웹뷰 영역의 높이를 고정으로 한후 툴 박스를 웹뷰위로 덮기 때문에 광고 및 추천기사 위치를 툴박스 만큼 위로 올려주며, 아이폰앱에서 호출한다. this.changeMobileBottomAdPosition = function (moveUp) { // 하이브리드 앱 확인값 var joongangAppCheck = utils.isJoongangAppCheck() || ''; var isPadApp = false; var featured_news_btm = 0; if (utils.isMobile()) { //기사 if ($('div#zone_band_ad_bottom').length > 0) { $('div#zone_band_ad_bottom').css({ 'bottom': (moveUp ? 44 : 0) }); } if ($('div#featured_news').length > 0) { if (joongangAppCheck !== '' && joongangAppCheck == "iospad") { isPadApp = true; } $('div#featured_news').css({ 'bottom': (moveUp ? 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'_blank' : '_self'; }, text: function (params) { var $ele = $(params.element); if ($ele.children().length == 0) { return this.link && this.link.text; } }, html: function (params) { var $ele = $(params.element); if ($ele.find('img').length == 0) { return this.link && this.link.html; } } }, link: { href: function () { return this.link && this.link.href; }, target: function () { return this.link && this.link.target; }, text: function (params) { var $ele = $(params.element); if ($ele.children().length == 0) { return this.link && this.link.text; } }, html: function (params) { var $ele = $(params.element); if ($ele.find('img').length == 0) { return this.link && this.link.html; } }, 'class': function () { if (this.link && this.link.cls) { return this.link.cls; } }, 'className': function () { if (this.link && this.link.cls) { return this.link.cls; } }, title: function () { var title = this.link && this.link.target == '_blank' ? '(새창) ' + this.link && this.link.text || utils.decodeEntities(this.link.html) + '(으)로 이동' : this.link && this.link.text; if (this.link && this.link.title) { title = this.link.title; } return title; }, image: { alt: function () { return this.text; } } }, image: { src: function () { return this.image && this.image.src; }, alt: function () { return (this.image && this.image.alt) || (this.link && this.link.text); } }, text: { text: function (params) { return this.text; } }, icon: { html: function (params) { if (this.icon && this.icon.newIcon) { var ele = params.element; $(ele).prepend('NEW'); } } } }; utils.models = { getLinkFromMenu: function (menu) { var link = {}; try { link = { key: menu.Key, link: { text: menu.Display, href: menu.Url.Path } }; } catch (e) { }; return link; }, getListFromMenus: function (list) { var items = []; list.forEach(function (v, i, a) { items.push(utils.models.getLinkFromMenu(v)); }); return items; }, getLinkFromApiArticle: function (article) { var obj = {}; try { obj = { type: article.Type, link: { text: article.Title, href: article.Link }, image: { src: article.Thumbnail, alt: article.Title } }; } catch (e) { }; return obj; } }; })(window, document, jQuery); // Polyfill (s) /* * @name : trim [String] * @desc : 공백 제거 */ if (typeof String.prototype.trim != 'function') { String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.replace(/(^[\s ]+)|([\s ]+$)/g, ""); }; }; /* * @name : isEmpty [String] * @desc : Empty 여부 * ie8 동작 안함. */ if (typeof String.prototype.isEmpty != 'function') { String.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return (this.length === 0); }; }; /* * @name : getByteLength [String] * @desc : 문자열의 Byte 길이 반환. */ if (typeof String.prototype.getByteLength != 'function') { String.prototype.getByteLength = function () { var self = this, b, i, c; for (b = i = 0; c = self.charCodeAt(i++) ; b += c >> 11 ? 3 : c >> 7 ? c : 1) {; } return b; }; }; /* * @name : cut [String] * @desc : ?? */ if (typeof String.prototype.cut != 'function') { String.prototype.cut = function (len) { var s = '', i = 0; while (i++ < len) { s += this; } return s; }; }; /* * @name : zf * @desc : ?? */ if (typeof String.prototype.zf != 'function') { String.prototype.zf = function (len) { return "0".cut(len - this.length) + this; }; }; /* * @name : toDate [String] * @desc : yyyy.MM.dd or yyyy-MM-dd 형태의 string 을 date 객체로 parsing. */ if (typeof String.prototype.toDate != 'function') { String.prototype.toDate = function () { var d = this.replaceAll('.', '/').replaceAll('-', '/'); return new Date(d); }; }; /* * @name : toDateISO8061 [String] * @desc : ISO8061 형식의 String 을 Date 객체로 parsing. */ if (typeof String.prototype.toDateISO8061 != 'function') { String.prototype.toDateISO8061 = function () { if (!this.valueOf()) { return " "; } var s = this.replace('T', ' ').split(/[- :]/); return new Date(s[0], s[1] - 1, s[2], s[3] || 0, s[4] || 0, s[5] || 0); }; }; /* * @name : toLocation [String] * @desc : url(loaction.href type) string 을 객체 형태로 분리해서 전달. * @param : object * @depends : $.deparam, $.param */ if (typeof String.prototype.toLocation != 'function') { String.prototype.toLocation = function () { var a = document.createElement('a'), loc = { hash: '', host: '', hostname: '', href: '', origin: '', pathname: '', port: '', protocol: '', search: '' }; a.href = this; $.each(loc, function (n, v) { if (n == 'pathname' && a[n].indexOf('/') != 0) { loc[n] = '/' + a[n]; } else { loc[n] = a[n]; } }); return loc; }; }; /* * @name : replaceParams [String] * @desc : 파라미터 형식의 string 에서 특정 파라미터의 값을 치환. * @param : object * @depends : $.deparam, $.param */ if (typeof String.prototype.replaceParams != 'function') { String.prototype.replaceParams = function (obj) { if (typeof $.deparam != 'function') { utils.error('$.deparam is not defined.'); } if (typeof $.param != 'function') { utils.error('$.param is not defined.'); } var params = $.deparam(this.replace('?', '')); $.each(obj, function (n, v) { params[n] = v; }); //utils.log(params); return $.param(params); }; }; /* * @name : replaceAll [String] * @desc : 대상 문자열 전체를 대상으로 치환. * @param : find, replace */ if (typeof String.prototype.replaceAll != 'function') { String.prototype.replaceAll = function (f, r) { f = f.escapeRegExp(); return this.replace(new RegExp(f, 'g'), r); }; }; /* * @name : escapeRegExp [String] * @desc : 정규식 filter keyword 형태 치환. */ if (typeof String.prototype.escapeRegExp != 'function') { String.prototype.escapeRegExp = function () { return this.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); }; }; /* * @name : * @desc : */ if (typeof Number.prototype.zf != 'function') { Number.prototype.zf = function (len) { return this.toString().zf(len); }; }; /* * @name : filter [Array] * @desc : 배열 필터, 새로운 배열 반환 * @param : [filter condition function.] */ if (typeof Array.prototype.filter != 'function') { Array.prototype.filter = function (func) { var newArray = [], self = this; for (var i = 0, len = self.length; i < len; i++) { if (func(self[i], i, self)) { newArray.push(self[i]); } } return newArray; }; }; /* * @name : forEach [Array] * @desc : 배열 순회 * @param : function */ if (typeof Array.prototype.forEach != 'function') { Array.prototype.forEach = function (func) { var self = this; for (var i = 0, len = self.length; i < len; i++) { func.call(self, self[i], i, self); } }; }; /* * @name : contains [Array] * @desc : 원소의 존재 여부. * @param : array item [...] */ if (typeof Array.prototype.contains != 'function') { Array.prototype.contains = function (compareValue) { var self = this; for (var i = 0, len = self.length; i < len; i++) { if (self[i] === compareValue) { return true; } } return false; }; }; /* * @name : isArray [Array] * @des : 배열 여부 */ if (!Array.isArray) { Array.isArray = function (arg) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]'; }; } // Production steps of ECMA-262, Edition 5, // Reference: http://es5.github.io/#x15.4.4.21 if (!Array.prototype.reduce) { Array.prototype.reduce = function (callback /*, initialValue*/) { 'use strict'; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.reduce called on null or undefined'); } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function'); } var t = Object(this), len = t.length >>> 0, k = 0, value; if (arguments.length == 2) { value = arguments[1]; } else { while (k < len && !(k in t)) { k++; } if (k >= len) { throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value'); } value = t[k++]; } for (; k < len; k++) { if (k in t) { value = callback(value, t[k], k, t); } } return value; }; } if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement, fromIndex) { var k; if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var O = Object(this); var len = O.length >>> 0; if (len === 0) { return -1; } var n = +fromIndex || 0; if (Math.abs(n) === Infinity) { n = 0; } if (n >= len) { return -1; } k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0); while (k < len) { if (k in O && O[k] === searchElement) { return k; } k++; } return -1; }; } /* * @name : addDate [Date] * @desc : 날짜 증가/감소 * @param : days[Number] */ if (typeof Date.prototype.addDate != 'function') { Date.prototype.addDate = function (days) { var dat = new Date(this.valueOf()); dat.setDate(dat.getDate() + days); return dat; }; }; /* * @name : * @des : */ if (typeof Date.prototype.format != 'function') { Date.prototype.format = function (f) { if (!this.valueOf()) { return " "; } var weekName = ["일요일", "월요일", "화요일", "수요일", "목요일", "금요일", "토요일"], shortWeekName = ["일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토"], d = this; return f.replace(/(yyyy|yy|MM|dd|E|e|hh|mm|ss|a\/p)/gi, function ($1) { switch ($1) { case "yyyy": return d.getFullYear(); case "yy": return (d.getFullYear() % 1000).zf(2); case "MM": return (d.getMonth() + 1).zf(2); case "dd": return d.getDate().zf(2); case "E": return weekName[d.getDay()]; case "e": return shortWeekName[d.getDay()]; case "HH": return d.getHours().zf(2); case "hh": return ((h = d.getHours() % 12) ? h : 12).zf(2); case "mm": return d.getMinutes().zf(2); case "ss": return d.getSeconds().zf(2); case "a/p": return d.getHours() < 12 ? "오전" : "오후"; default: return $1; } }); }; }; if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) { if (typeof this !== 'function') { // closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 // internal IsCallable function throw new TypeError('Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable'); } var aArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), fToBind = this, fNOP = function () { }, fBound = function () { return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP ? this : oThis, aArgs.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); }; if (this.prototype) { // Function.prototype doesn't have a prototype property fNOP.prototype = this.prototype; } fBound.prototype = new fNOP(); return fBound; }; } /* * */ //function sendXMLHttpRequest(method, options) { // var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), // params = options.params !== undefined ? $.param(options.params) : '', // url = method === 'GET' ? options.url + '?' + params : options.url; // //utils.log('url : ' + url); // xhr.open(method, url, false); // xhr.onload = function(e) { // var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); // options.callback && options.callback(res); // }; // if(method === 'POST') { // if(params !== '') { // xhr.send(params); // } else { // xhr.send(); // } // } else { // xhr.send(); // } //} // ajax configuration. //$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false, timeout: 30000 }); $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); $.support.cors = true; //utils.log('browser version : ' + parseInt(utils.browser.version, 10)); $.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { utils.log('%%% url : ' + options.url); utils.log('%% type : ' + options.dataType); if (utils.browser && utils.browser.msie == true && parseInt(utils.browser.version, 10) <= 9) { // TODO : Proxy url 도메인이 포함된 셋팅. // TODO : 자기 도메인 프록시 필터. var proxyUrl = '/api/proxy', deviceType = utils.config('deviceType'), proxyDomain = (deviceType == DEVICE_TYPE.pc ? utils.config('webPcPath') : utils.config('webMobilePath')); utils.log('proxyDomain : ' + proxyDomain); utils.log('location.host : ' + location.host); utils.log('options.dataType : ' + options.dataType); utils.log(proxyDomain.indexOf(location.host)); if (options.dataType != 'script' && options.dataType != 'jsonp' && options.url.indexOf(proxyUrl) == -1) { utils.log('##-------------------- ajaxPrefilter start type : ' + options.type); if (options.type == 'POST') { utils.log('##-------------------- ajaxPrefilter : POST'); // only proxy those requests // that are marked as crossDomain requests. if (!options.crossDomain) { return; } var url = encodeURIComponent(options.url), jsonData = $.deparam(options.data); options.url = proxyDomain + proxyUrl + '?url=' + url; options.crossDomain = false; options.data = 'json=' + encodeURIComponent(utils.stringify(jsonData)); return; } if (options.type == 'GET' && proxyDomain.indexOf(location.host) == -1) { utils.log('##-------------------- ajaxPrefilter : get'); var url = options.url; //utils.log(options.data); if (options.data) { url += '?' + (typeof options.data == 'string' ? options.data : $.param(options.data)); } var jsonpOptions = { url: url, success: options.success }; utils.getJsonp(jsonpOptions); jqXHR.abort(); } } } }); (function (deparam) { if (typeof require === 'function' && typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') { var jquery = require('jquery'); module.exports = deparam(jquery); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], function (jquery) { return deparam(jquery); }); } else { var global try { global = (false || eval)('this'); // best cross-browser way to determine global for < ES5 } catch (e) { global = window; // fails only if browser (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/CSP/CSP_policy_directives) } global.deparam = deparam(jQuery); // assume jQuery is in global namespace } })(function ($) { var deparam = function (params, coerce) { var obj = {}, coerce_types = { 'true': !0, 'false': !1, 'null': null }; // Iterate over all name=value pairs. $.each(params.replace(/\+/g, ' ').split('&'), function (j, v) { var param = v.split('='), key = decodeURIComponent(param[0]), val, cur = obj, i = 0, // If key is more complex than 'foo', like 'a[]' or 'a[b][c]', split it // into its component parts. keys = key.split(']['), keys_last = keys.length - 1; // If the first keys part contains [ and the last ends with ], then [] // are correctly balanced. if (/\[/.test(keys[0]) && /\]$/.test(keys[keys_last])) { // Remove the trailing ] from the last keys part. keys[keys_last] = keys[keys_last].replace(/\]$/, ''); // Split first keys part into two parts on the [ and add them back onto // the beginning of the keys array. keys = keys.shift().split('[').concat(keys); keys_last = keys.length - 1; } else { // Basic 'foo' style key. keys_last = 0; } // Are we dealing with a name=value pair, or just a name? if (param.length === 2) { val = decodeURIComponent(param[1]); // Coerce values. if (coerce) { val = val && !isNaN(val) && ((+val + '') === val) ? +val // number : val === 'undefined' ? undefined // undefined : coerce_types[val] !== undefined ? coerce_types[val] // true, false, null : val; // string } if (keys_last) { // Complex key, build deep object structure based on a few rules: // * The 'cur' pointer starts at the object top-level. // * [] = array push (n is set to array length), [n] = array if n is // numeric, otherwise object. // * If at the last keys part, set the value. // * For each keys part, if the current level is undefined create an // object or array based on the type of the next keys part. // * Move the 'cur' pointer to the next level. // * Rinse & repeat. for (; i <= keys_last; i++) { key = keys[i] === '' ? cur.length : keys[i]; cur = cur[key] = i < keys_last ? cur[key] || (keys[i + 1] && isNaN(keys[i + 1]) ? {} : []) : val; } } else { // Simple key, even simpler rules, since only scalars and shallow // arrays are allowed. if ($.isArray(obj[key])) { // val is already an array, so push on the next value. obj[key].push(val); } else if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { // val isn't an array, but since a second value has been specified, // convert val into an array. obj[key] = [obj[key], val]; } else { // val is a scalar. obj[key] = val; } } } else if (key) { // No value was defined, so set something meaningful. obj[key] = coerce ? undefined : ''; } }); return obj; }; $.fn.deparam = $.deparam = deparam; return deparam; }); // App용 비디오태그 멈춤 함수 function WebViewDisappeared() { $("video").each(function () { this.pause() }); }